Pooing and Spewing in Samui
Poor Mel!!!! Last night Mel came down with the dreaded Thai Belly which I am sure a few have had before and I will most likely get today. After an evening of running to the toilet Mel waited for our guests Scott and Sally to leave before she evacuated her system from both ends .... at the same time!!!! Not a pleasant time for either of us although I am pretty sure Mel had the worst end of it. Felt much better after a big spew although at one point we thought we may lose her. The smell seems to have left the room now however she is still not fully over it. Sure the seafood banquet tonight will sort her out. On a positive note she is very happy with her new and improved flat stomach. Always the optimist.
All the best to the North Shore netty trippers - here's hoping you don't end up feeling like Mel.
Love ya work